Our video library is a convenient way for customers to gain more information about topics, such as routine vehicle maintenance, why scheduled maintenance is beneficial, and what to expect when getting certified Mopar® service at the dealership. We answer frequently asked questions and provide local Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and RAM owners more information to advance our mission of customer service excellence. We welcome anyone who wants more knowledge to browse the video library when convenient, gain insight about services, and schedule your next appointment at Forest Lane CDJR in Dallas, TX.
Want more details about your vehicle’s scheduled maintenance and how to promote vehicle reliability, safety, and life? Our Mopar® service videos provide these helpful tips and more! We publish these videos to cover specific topics with detailed information, including why customers choose certified Mopar® service, the no-cost conveniences our customers enjoy with each visit, and the benefits of getting routine maintenance as recommended in the owner’s manual. We welcome you to peruse the library to watch the video that interests you or relates to the service your vehicle needs. You can always contact us by phone to speak with our helpful staff to answer any additional questions.
Our customers enjoy many other no-cost conveniences in addition to the video library. We provide complimentary multi-point inspections with every service to assist customers in reducing maintenance uncertainties while promoting long-lasting vehicle reliability. Having trouble squeezing in a weekday service appointment? Many busy customers avoid the weekday hassle by scheduling services on Saturdays. The Mopar express lane is a super convenient and quick way to get routine maintenance without an appointment; simply stop by during normal hours as needed! Don’t forget when scheduling service to consider transportation requirements and make arrangements for a courtesy shuttle ride if you need to get around.
Ready to schedule your next service appointment? We offer flexible appointment scheduling online or by phone. The online service scheduler is always available for maximum scheduling convenience and is completed in approximately two minutes. Our helpful service advisors are on standby during regular hours to schedule appointments by phone. The comfortable customer waiting area has fast Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and vending machines.